
Endnote citations pages
Endnote citations pages

Under Insert Citation, click to Insert Selected Citation(s).Back in Word, click to open the EndNote menu.Highlight the reference you will be citing (press the Control key and click to add more than one reference). When you come to a point where you wish to insert an in-text citation, or after creating a footnote in Word, go to your EndNote library. Make sure your library is open in EndNote.

endnote citations pages

Open Microsoft Word and EndNote on your computer.If not, please contact the ITS help desk by phone (685-4000) or submit a service ticket. If you are using Word, to make sure your software has loaded these features open Word: you should see EndNote listed as one of the menu items across the top of the screen. If you install EndNote after you have installed your word processor program, EndNote should update your word processor program and add EndNote options. It works with Microsoft Word and several other word processors to create formatted bibliographies and citations in your papers. In addition to storing your references, EndNote is a bibliography maker.

Endnote citations pages